Thursday 14th December 2017
I’m deeming this my recovery week.
After weeks of tournaments and a couple of bad performances, I’m so run down that I’ve taken a bit of a break for the sake of my own sanity. Given how gruelling competitions can be and the fact that I’ve had 6 or 7 of them over the past few months, I’m at that stage where I pretty much don’t want to pick up a sword.
I’ve been taking some Vitimin B supplement to aid my mental recovery and I have to say that they do seem to be doing some good, although I’m still very down about my performance last weekend.
One of the things I’m doing to aid my recovery is playing some more World of Warcraft. I started playing on opening weekend some 13 years back, and over the years I’ve had a number of different characters be my main. For the last 9 years, my Death Knight has been my main, and whilst I don’t raid with him, I do a lot of content and have him pretty well geared.
The other characters have moved over from other servers to co-exist. My Dwarf Hunter race changed a few years ago to become a Goblin. My Warlock that I played through vanilla, as well as my Priest I played through Burning Crusade are also on the same server. I also have recently levelled my bank alt Druid, a Demon Hunter and a mage
I now have a bunch of alternative characters at level 110 but that’s pretty much it… their quests, gear and professions are still all lacking to make them useful. And so that’s one of the things I’m doing over the xmas period.
Specifically I’m doing a couple of things.
First, in the latest expansion that was released last year, the various classes have a series of quests and specific weapons they can power up. Now, whilst I don’t intend to raid with them, there are class specific mounts, as well as Class Hall quests that can only be got if characters are sufficiently levelled up.
Most of this involves using a board to set a mission off a bit like you would in a mobile game. Rather than go off and kill something manually, you set the quest up and it tells you to come back in X hours. To progress the Class Hall quests and unlock the mounts you need to do a number of these. So I’ve been logging in all of my alts and setting those quests off.
There’s the occasional quest that needs to be done so I’ve been doing those as well.
I have no doubt that even if I do manage to get it all done, it’ll be shortly before the new expansion and I’ll be unable to capitalise on it. But the idea is to give me something to do rather than accomplish any set aim.
Warcraft has always been a good activity for me when I’m on a low and whilst I feel better than I did at the start of the week I’m still not back to normal.
If you want to follow more of my journey, then be sure to check me on my social channels. Likewise, if you’d like me to expand on any point mentioned above, please say so in the comments.
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- Instagram: AdrianFaulkner
- Snapchat: adrianauthor
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