Tuesday 22nd August 2017
I took tonight off from finalising the draft. The editing is now complete and all that is left to do is a spell check and any continuity issues. Kate has been an absolute star and said she’ll give it a quick read at the weekend. There’s part of me that’s impatient but given that I need to read it also and it’ll take me longer than that, I think I’m being unreasonable.
But I’m so fried that I just needed to take this evening off. It’s not even 9pm and already I’m ready for bed.
This week is a busy week for the day job. It’s what I call a hell week. We’ve known it’s going to be coming for a few months now so it’s no surprise. Given how quickly the weeks go when I’m editing, I suspect it’ll be over pretty quick.
But I had a meeting today that I had to represent solo as one of our team is off (potentially long term) and we needed another person in Watford. So I went into a meeting knowing nothing, and proving I know nothing… but in all honesty it wasn’t too bad.
Part of that is because I’m too fried to really care. It’s amazing how much editing takes out of you and I’m absolutely mentally exhausted. And so I ended up running around to meetings and appointments and when I got to this evening I couldn’t relax because my neighbour was hammering something and it just set my nerves on edge for no reason whatsoever.
So I played some World of Warcraft and put my headphones on. Except I have nothing to do in World of Warcraft and quickly got bored.
I’ll start on the spell checks on the draft tomorrow I decided. I think I need the one night to be exhausted.
Given how much various activities beckoned me when I was head deep into the edits, it’s amazing how that desire goes away when you have time. Still, I always find that completing a draft leaves me a bit out of sorts for a few days.
So I did a mountain of work I have to do for School of the Sword. I’ve a load of tasks to do and it’s stressing me out a bit. Some of this is my own making. With the focus on the edits, I’ve been pretty good at pushing these timescales out. Except… I took longer on the edits than I’d hoped and ended up running into my own backlog of work. I made some good progress but there was a ton of things to do. Oh well, better that than sitting around the entire night thinking of something I should be doing.
I still have a load more to do but at least I got a lot of it done. I should be feeling better for it but it just left me more stressed than I was before. I’ll do the rest at the weekend. It’s just made me realise I hate doing things with money. It just stresses me out.
I’ll be glad when this week is done… and it’s still only Tuesday!
If you want to follow more of my journey, then be sure to check me on my social channels. Likewise, if you’d like me to expand on any point mentioned above, please say so in the comments.
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