Friday 1st December 2017

Today has been a busy end to a really shitty week.
I had a meeting with day job colleagues today which meant that I had to be up and travelling this morning.  It’s not often I get to see the rest of the team, and very rarely do we all meet together.  It tries to get arranged but, honestly, it’s a lot of travel just to meet up and I don’t think that all the travel is worth it – especially in this day and age where conferencing has never been easier.  I’m so used to working remotely now that working with other people around me is more a distraction than anything else.
And yes, it’s nice to get out the house sometimes, and given I had a busy day planned it worked out that actually meeting up matched up with my social arrangements.  I work to live, not live to work – something, sadly, that few people have worked out.
So I didn’t get much work done today – and this was not aided by the fact I left my glasses at home.  There’s a possible day job stress on the horizon and to be honest, I think my boss knows that I’ll kick off if he doesn’t deal with it.  So I was kinda glad I didn’t have glasses, as it gave me an excuse to ignore the email.
We went to Frankie & Benny’s for lunch.  Probably not a good move for me, given that A ) my stomach will suffer for it for the next week and B ) I could do with eating healthy at the moment.  But after the week I’ve had, my attitude was pretty much “fuck it!”
From there I went to visit my folks.  I can’t remember the last time I saw them but this week has so wiped me out I could have fallen asleep on the sofa.  As we’d talked on the phone yesterday there wasn’t a lot of discussion but it was still nice to see them.
And then in the evening, I went from there to a friend’s house for a housewarming / xmas party.  A load of people had dropped out and so I felt very sorry for them, especially as they’d gone to a lot of trouble making food and getting in drinks.
Most of the people there were swordfighting instructors so most of the discussion was about methods of training, but given that Jack’s girlfriend was a horsey person rather than a swordy person, and she was getting left out, the conversation gravitated towards the abstract so we could compare examples of training students with training horses.
I found this really interesting as I’ve always been interested in the patterns of success, and so taking what’s need to be a successful fencer and comparing and contrasting it with what makes a successful horse was really interesting.
Whilst I didn’t leave too late, I was still a long way from home having progressively got further and further away through my three outbound journeys today.  I left with a goodie bag filled with a load of cake and baked goods but given my Frankie & Benny’s today plus the food I ate whilst at Jack’s party I think I’ve had enough rich food for one day.
I got home late with no real plans for the weekend.  After the last week really battered me I’m thinking a lazy Saturday may be in order, even though I have a ton of stuff I need to do.
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