Monday 6th November 2017

I really could have done with a massive lay in.  I’m still feeling exhausted after Sweden and a day in bed might have been what I really needed.
But I had an appointment at the hospital at 8:20am which meant leaving the house ridiculously early on a crisp and frosty morning.  The hospital really wasn’t much help with my ongoing issues and I’ve pretty much been told I need to just cope.  It’s kinda what I was expecting and I think I put a brave face on it.  I think it’ll become more of an issue in the days to come.
I walked home and then went food shopping.  It actually worked out pretty cheap given that I’ve cut back on treats.  Now that Swordfish is over, I want to lose some of this fighting weight I’ve been carrying.  I’d said that come my return from Swordfish I’d be strictly back on the diet and not having any treats.  Hopefully that’ll mean I’m lean come December (only to then put it all back on).
I then set to work on getting all the editions of The Climb online.  The trip to Sweden saw me leave my laptop behind and so I’ve returned with the need to write up my incredible adventure and successes and get them online.
I only managed to get a couple done before I needed to start to get ready for training.  Ordinarily, given how I’m feeling, I might have been tempted to miss it, but

  1. We are looking at defending against cuts and I need that
  2. I had Josh’s new sword which I needed to give to him

Needless to say, I found training incredibly tough tonight.  I’m pretty sure I did every drill wrong, but as I often tell myself, you have to turn up and put in the work.
I got home late and pretty exhausted but it still took me a couple of hours to unwind.  I’m feeling pretty good about a number of things right now, not least my fencing (Matt said he’d seen a massive improvement since we last fought back in Godalming).
The swordfighting is going well, my social circle seems to be expanding; all I need now is for news about the novel.
And some sleep.
I definitely need some sleep!
If you want to follow more of my journey, then be sure to check me on my social channels.  Likewise, if you’d like me to expand on any point mentioned above, please say so in the comments.

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