Tuesday 15th August 2017

It’s gone 1:30am and it looks like I’m going to have to leave finishing editing this consolidated chapter until tomorrow.
I can’t complain though as progress, whilst slow, has been good.  I’m still being quite ruthless, and seem to be succeeding in my aim of trimming the wordcount.  I was helped by somehow managing to get food prepped quickly.  With the focus on my macros, it’s important that I stick to the diet at the moment.
But it gave me a lot of time this evening which meant I got a lot of work done.  There’s nothing quite so fantastic as feeling you’ve made excellent progress and then look at the time to see that it’s only just gone past 9pm.
My main point of contention this evening was the romance in this chapter.  Because the way I edit is quite unemotional, I am worried that I may have stripped the romance out.  But if editing has taught me anything it’s that you can heavily edit the words and still not lose the meaning.
Still, I think the changes I’ve made improves not only the story but the romance as well.  I guess I won’t know for sure until I do the final re-read before sending to my beta readers, and that time could not come soon enough as far as I’m concerned.  I still have a load of chapters to do though.
But progress on the novel meant I had time to go to the gym today… and I started a new exercise.  Outside of the weight work I’m currently doing, I’ve started sword training.  I’ve long been trying to work out a way to take a sword into the gym without it causing a security incident.
At the weekend I picked up a couple of boffers (foam padded swords) that handle like a sword but also don’t look real.  I decided I would do some work with them at the end of my session.  I used something called the Meyer Square to give me which of the 4 areas of the punch bag I’d hit, and then got to work.
I felt a bit self-conscious doing it in the gym but I’ve done enough cutting over the years to make a chained attack look pretty impressive, if only for the flow.  As a result I had one girl come over and ask if I was a stuntman for something like Game of Thrones.  Not sure if that’s a compliment or not (lol) but in truth, I did feel like I was a bit badass.
I also had a ton of fun doing it and my plan is to take my boffer to the gym as often as I can.  A little extra cardio just won’t go amiss.
Between weighing myself last night and this morning I’ve found that I managed to drop 5kg.  At least I’m losing it rather than putting it on.  I just wish it wasn’t such a rollercoaster all the time.
So all in all, it’s been a pretty good day.  I got a good amount of editing done even if progress seems pretty slow at the moment.  And I’ve also upped my gym sessions which should help improve my cardio before the Wessex League starts.  But for the next few weeks, the focus is very solidly on getting these edits complete.
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