Friday 27th January 2017
Today was an early start. I was up long before dawn, getting ready and then heading into town for a number of appointments: gym, bank, nutrition, etc. I got a new PB benching 60kg and started working towards full chin ups. Given how much weight I’ve lost and some areas of loose skin I have, after speaking with the doctors on Wednesday I’m determined to drop body fat and tone up this coming year to lose it.
My mood was a bit better today. I still feel knackered and am still suffering a little with the cold but I think the weirdness of Wednesday is starting to subside. I found I was a bit more like my fun-loving self today posting a load of stupid stuff on Snapchat.
I accomplished a lot early on, so I came back home feeling good. I then did some online training for the day job which was more complex than I anticipated and took me forever! Oh well, you live and learn.
Perhaps I burnt out too early or perhaps I’m still tired from the start of the week as this evening all I wanted to do was chill. Normally, if my brain is just procrastinating I try and push past it by just telling myself to do 30 minutes of work. It’s an effective brainhack such that I always end up working for more than 30 minutes as I get into the work. But today my brain just feels tired. I plan to have a really late lie in tomorrow.
Over the last couple of days I’ve had a couple of people compliment me on my analytical skills. I thought about this a lot today and came to the conclusion that it’s a strength I’ve never really thought about much. Whether it’s looking a business strategy and breaking it down or analysing my own sword fighting, I seem to have a lot of awareness. Of course, the question now is whether I leverage that information effectively. I’m going to be thinking about that a lot over the next couple of days.
I tried a different strategy for Instagram today. In fact I’ve been trying a few different things the past 2 weeks and have really started getting a handle on the platform. So much so, I jumped in today and helped an author who’s just getting started. I tried posting at a different time today and got a really good response. I’m enjoying the fact that I can still test the waters a bit.
A lot of my work on the novel today has been thinking about this chapter and what needs to happen. I’ve changed the timeline a little and I think it makes it a little tighter and tenser. This might be a chapter that gets rewritten in the next draft but that doesn’t mean I’m just going to skip the work. Sometimes, the writing is done away from the keyboard and today felt like that as I mull the old chapter in my head, think about the changes I’ve made, what needs to be done and what would make the scene better. I got a lot of ideas from just chilling and thinking. Stepping away from the writing and actually thinking is a great skill but it looks a LOT like procrastination a lot of the time.
Because I’m feeling so tired I didn’t get a whole lot of words written. About 1500 words in total, which isn’t shabby but could still be better. However, I think getting a really good night’s sleep will set me up for a good day tomorrow when I’ll feel fully refreshed.
If you want to follow more of my journey, then be sure to check me on my social channels. Likewise, if you’d like me to expand on any point mentioned above, please say so in the comments.
Twitter: @figures
Instagram: AdrianFaulkner
Snapchat: adrianauthor
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