Sunday 24th September 2017
I went sparring this morning. However, I don’t think I fought very well. I wasn’t bad, but my focus wasn’t there and it demonstrated to me that my mental game is very important to my fighting.
Both Sasha and Pim were there and they’ve picked up a new tell I have. I seem to rise with my lunges giving my opponent a clue I’m about to thrust. Given the stage I’m now at this is a major issue I need to correct.
I think we all make the mistake in thinking that we’ll get to a certain level and then everything will become easier. Instead, what I’ve learnt is that that the further you progress (whether it be swordfighting or writing) the harder it gets.
And I think that’s why some people seem to get so far and then plateau. They feel they’ve learnt it all so don’t push themselves, then wonder why other people overtake them.
I think it’s one of the reasons I’m always setting such impossible goals for myself. I never want to be in a position where I feel I can coast. That’s why I’m already thinking about book 3 and looking to start editing work on book 2 in the next week or so.
I have just 40 days until I fight in Sweden and between now and then I have a trip to Romania as well as another tournament. There’s so much I want to achieve but I feel time is running away from me. I keep telling myself to stop piling pressure on myself, but I think it’s inevitable.
I’ve said my aim for Swordfish is to just win a single fight. Last year I just defended and lost every bout. I want to make progress this year, but given these people are the best of the best, I need to be realistic and not set such impossible goals that I come back despondent.
After last weekend, I’m happy with the results I’m getting (even if I think my fighting looks clunky) but this is not the time to take it easy. Instead I need to be stepping it up. But the next 40 days have just so much going on, I suspect that if I took the next 40 days off the day job I’d struggle getting everything done.
I know September is supposed to be my month off, but I can’t help but feel I’ve stepped off the gas a little. I’m not using my ToDo list as much as I should, and I really need to be tracking my macros. Whilst I’ve kept The Climb going, my social media hasn’t been as good as it should have been. Plus, wasn’t I going to restart the vlogs?
Perhaps all this is a sign that I’m rested and getting anxious to tackle the next task. Or maybe I’m just noticing where I’m slacking.
I’ve accomplished most of my goals for this year but there are still a few where I need to take action on if I want to complete them before the end of the year. Yet, I came home and just watched Youtube. That said, it’s for a special project I’m working on, but still… I look up and find it’s midnight.
I need to get my act together and not rest on my laurels. Yes, I’ve achieved a lot this year, but there’s more work to do and I need to get onto it!
If you want to follow more of my journey, then be sure to check me on my social channels. Likewise, if you’d like me to expand on any point mentioned above, please say so in the comments.
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- Snapchat: adrianauthor
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