Wednesday 15th November 2017

Friends have been moaning me about our annual board games meetup.  Every year for the last few years since I got my own house I have my friends come over for the day and we play boardgames.  Each year there’s a different game.  The first year it was Shadows of Brimstone, last year it was Zombicide Black Plague and this year it will be Massive Darkness.
It’s always a good day, even if you can guarantee someone will argue over the rules within the first hour.  But this year setting a date has been really tough.  A combination of day job and a social obligation means I can’t do the day we all thought.  And as a result of this my friends are moaning about me now having a social life.
I hope to get it sorted tomorrow as we have a meeting in the day job about holiday cover.
I wasn’t either in the office or at training tonight due to the problems with the car.  I took it into the garage today.  I dread to think how expensive it’s going to be.  It feels like the last few months have been super-expensive what with travel and physio and the like.  I guess, given how many miles I do each year due to training, I can’t really moan at things going wrong with the car.
On the plus side,  I had an excuse to tidy the house today as I had a friend come round for a cup of tea.  We played Cards Against Humanity and chatted until late.  Tidying up was a bit stressful.  The house isn’t dirty but it was untidy.  Given all the hard work on edits and tournaments it’s meant I don’t get a lot of free time to do a lot of housework.  And why should I bother when no-one comes round.  My boardgaming friends live so far away that they visit just once a year.  The swordfighting lot don’t like to travel beyond Reading.  So it means I’m often here on my own.
In recent weeks I’ve been doing a lot to be a bit more social.  I’ve kept a lot of people at arm’s length for various reasons but making new local friends and having them just pop round for a cuppa is ace and I love it.  It’s motivated me to do more housework  (Because the house is still a tip, it’s just that the sofa is no longer covered in weaponry) and that’s good.
Being social eats into my time a little but I’m really enjoying it and I think it’s doing me a lot of good.  I am acutely aware, however, that edits on book 2 have stalled somewhat.  I need to carve a time for them outside of evenings.
Of course, if I could afford to work full-time on the writing then that might save my evenings, However, that feels an impossibly long way off right now such that I’m starting to feel a bit desperate for news on that front.
If you want to follow more of my journey, then be sure to check me on my social channels.  Likewise, if you’d like me to expand on any point mentioned above, please say so in the comments.

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