Wednesday 22nd November 2017

This week is supposed to be a holiday from work.  It’s supposed to be time for me to unwind and shake off some of the day job stress.
So am I relaxing?  Am I heck.
No, instead I find myself trying to catch up on a multitude of tasks that desperately need doing.  I’ve been trying to edit this novel, get some things done around the house and… as was the case today… catch up on a lot of swordfighting admin.
Behind the scenes I do a lot to help out the school.  Aside from being an instructor, I also am responsible for the website.  So I update the blog with images and text on everything we’ve been doing.  I update information, create new pages and do all the tasks you’d associate with being a webmaster.
I’ve also landed up with the dues system.  I used to do this but it was just too much and I gave it to someone else.  But they’re off extended ill and so it’s ended up back with me.  And after Romania and Swordfish and the Wessex tournaments I’m really behind on some of that admin.
So with a ton of things that needed doing, I decided to lump them together and do them all at once.
I got back from the gym and started by getting a couple of blog articles up.  At the same time I updated someone’s bio that they asked me to do.  I then started work on a page for an upcoming event.  We have a lot of sponsors and so they need their logos showing on a page with more details about the tournament.  I nicked the design of one I did a few years back and just made pertinent changes.  Still took me a bit of work though and it’s not yet finished.
Then I did the dues for November.  Whilst this is going on I am having about 4 or 5 Facebook Messenger conversations and feeling completely overwhelmed.  I don’t think people realise just how many times a day I get asked things.  I’ve got to the stage where I just can’t keep track of them.  And I have my Facebook Messenger status to away for that reason.
Finally I sent a receipt to people for the Swordfish hotel.  I’d hoped they’d work out what people owed me but they want me to go over my bank statement thinking that’s easier.  It’s not.
I left for training this evening still feeling a bit stressed and then managed to hit traffic jams, accidents, diversions and road works for a hellish journey.  I’m not sure what it is about this week – possibly the change in weather – but I (and others) have been left feeling a little run down.  As a result I don’t think I fenced particularly well tonight.
Of course, that can be a good sign for doing well in tournaments, although I’m thinking it’s more superstition than fact.  I did wonder if I’d done the right thing in driving all the way to Godalming to train tonight.
On the plus side, I’ve arranged to see Kate tomorrow.  I think we’re due a Cake Club meeting but Sophie is busy and I’ve been so swamped myself that I’ve not really been following the conversation.  It’ll be good to catch up, even if it’s only to tell her that I managed to get no editing done whatsoever today.
We’re now over halfway through the week and I don’t feel any more relaxed.  Indeed I still feel swamped.
I’d like to get to the end of the week and feel like I accomplished something with my week off.  Instead, it’s looking like I’lll get there and the pile of things ToDo will just be a little smaller.
I really should have taken 2 weeks off.
If you want to follow more of my journey, then be sure to check me on my social channels.  Likewise, if you’d like me to expand on any point mentioned above, please say so in the comments.

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