Tuesday 14th February 2016

I do sometimes worry that some days nothing exciting happens, that there’s no huge news or important revelations about writing the new novel or marketing the other one.
But writing is like that.  Sure I try and make it entertaining, but I think The Climb isn’t something that something where you read a single issue in isolation.  Writing is the act of putting one word after another.  It’s about writing 5000 words some days, and having others where either through other commitments or due to very act of writing you only manage to get 100 words out.
Today was a busy day, but it wasn’t a busy day with results.  Today was a busy day where the payoff is days and weeks down the line
It was a busy day on the day job today.  Everything went wrong and because I had a medical appointment I pretty much had to split and run, which I felt bad about.
At the gym this evening I managed a new personal best on the shoulder press tonight of 37.5kg.  I always struggle with shoulder press so any gain is welcome.  I was also pleased when the sledge felt a lot, lot easier.  I definitely feel like I’m making strength gains in 2017
I also did a lot of meal prep tonight when I got home.  As much as I love the Satay Chicken I make, it takes bloody forever and so by the time I’d made a batch of that and Red Thai curry, the evening was almost over.
I felt the need to chill out for a bit after all that (Going to the gym leaves me feeling knackered).  I’m not entirely sure other than to say that I’ve learnt to trust my gut.  I can often tell when I feel the need to do something because I’m procrastinating and when my body is telling me to take a break.
So I played a bit of Starbound.  I didn’t really accomplish much nor play for incredibly long, but the break felt needed and when I finally shut down, despite being in the small hours of the morning, I felt ready to write.
I continued work on the scene I started yesterday with the returning character.  It’s a bit dialogue heavy right now and whilst it is bothering me, I know that I tend to be light on description in the first draft.  I think I’ve come up with a good scene that has a bit of action in it whilst also developing the character so I’m happy about that.
Today won’t go down as the greatest wordcount ever, but it’s important to remember that progress is progress.  I’m investing for the big payoff down the line.
If you want to follow more of my journey, then be sure to check me on my social channels.  Likewise, if you’d like me to expand on any point mentioned above, please say so in the comments.
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Snapchat: adrianauthor