Tuesday 10th October 2017

I went to the Physio today.  I’m still feeling ill – although not as ill as yesterday – and given how my lower back and now neck aches after a couple of days laid up in bed, I decided it was worth dragging myself up off my sickbed to go.
I’m always a little sceptical about physios and chiropractors.  I know there are good ones out there (and my physio is a good one) but I feel there are also a lot of charlatans, and knowing the good from the bad seems like a lottery.
The way I knew my physio was good was when I told him about my neck pain, and he managed to cause the sole of my foot to cramp up as he started to release pressure.  I swear my entire back is made of gristle, as I felt I was tortured for an hour as he seemed to find baseball lumps of knotted muscle and then kneed them out of existence.  Don’t get me wrong, there’s part of me that loves deep tissue massage and the release it gives… but man, he had to keep reminding me to breathe.
But at the end of it, I felt a lot more relaxed.  The range of motion in several areas of my body had massively improved and my back and neck weren’t aching.
The problem is that my entire back is tense… except for my glutes and that pressure is causing the pain.
Despite the pain I felt better for it, as well as £55 lighter.  With the trip to Romania this week and the car MOT the week afterwards, October is going to be an expensive month,
I started packing for my trip today.  Nothing more than putting items in the sportstube as I walked past.  So glad I have that but a little nervous about ensuring it’ll be accepted as baggage.
I’ve not done any writing for the last few days as I’ve been working on a few personal things.  I feel bad, but with the trip looming, I don’t feel that bad.  I am aware that upon my return I need to really get on it but things won’t be as busy then.
So in many ways today has been a nothing day.  Whilst I worked on a couple of things, the main focus of today was getting myself well so that I’m 100% by the time I come to travel.  I’m so looking forward to this trip and am hoping to vlog it but I still need to work out if I can get everything in my sportstube or whether I can take my camera bag as my hand luggage.
Hopefully I’ll get time to pack tomorrow
If you want to follow more of my journey, then be sure to check me on my social channels.  Likewise, if you’d like me to expand on any point mentioned above, please say so in the comments.

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