Saturday 3rd June 2017

I was woken by my neighbour playing music in their garden.  Bloody inconsiderate, I thought.  Didn’t they think that people might need a lay in?  Although I still felt tired, I was awake now so I got up… and then found it was Midday.
Yep, I think I’m definitely suffering from Jetlag!
As a result, today has been a nothing day.  Even taking into consideration the inactivity of watching Australian Masterchef, I’ve only managed a couple of episodes.  Admittedly each of those episodes is well over an hour long.  But still…
And so it is that I get to the end of the day and cannot think of a single thing I’ve actually done.
Saturday is normally my day for a late brunch which is basically a healthy version of a cooked breakfast consisting of home-made hash browns, poached eggs, spinach, turkey sausage and bacon and fried tomatoes.  Just making that sapped what little mental fortitude I had.
I did venture out the house a couple of times to pop to the local shops but that was more for a bit of fresh air than for anything I desperately needed.
I played a little World of Warcraft, which given I’m about to embark on some heavy edits, probably wasn’t the best idea, but was probably the most active thing I’ve done all day.
I have thought a little about the novel today but rather than think about Black as Knight, I had a really good idea for book 4 that I promptly forgot and have just this moment been struggling to remember so I could add it to my series notes.  Thankfully I eventually remembered it.  I’m usually of the opinion that good ideas have a habit of not being forgotten but I’m slowly starting to change my opinion of that after a couple of blinding ideas took some effort to remember.
I really wanted to get planning out this short story this evening but I haven’t even been able to manage my way through an entire episode of Masterchef Australia.
I have sparring tomorrow (if I wake up in time).  I’m completely out of shape following Chasepalooza but I have a competition in little over a month and I now need to work on getting my world ranking up.  As a result, I really need to put in some heavy work over the next few weeks.  It’s just this jetlag is having the same effect on my physical condition that a huge cold would.
I suspect I will get hit a lot tomorrow.  Hopefully that’ll knock the jetlag out of me as I have so much to do.
If you want to follow more of my journey, then be sure to check me on my social channels.  Likewise, if you’d like me to expand on any point mentioned above, please say so in the comments.

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