Tuesday 25th May 2021

I had a day where I didn’t feel like I made a lot of progress but I got a lot done.

I did some health-related stuff, progressed some social media issues I’ve been dealing with over the last couple of months and made contact with a company I could possibly do some work with in the distant future.

I supposed I feel guilty because I did spend a lot of time on Warcraft today.  For someone who’s really not leveling alts at the moment I seem to be putting a lot of time in.  Today it was the final guild run of Torghast and the Twisting Corridors.

After our last attempt failed, I have to admit I wasn’t really looking forward to today but getting everyone together has been a challenge so this has taken longer than I would have liked.  As a result I really wasn’t feeling this, but given that the mount you get from completing level 8 would allow all my alts to mount up when they did the souls quest each Wednesday, it was worth it for the time it would save me.

The guild are still trying to get me to level a Death Knight but although I got one to level 24 I have to be honest and say that it’s really not been fun to level.  I still have 3 Horde alts left to do and they’re mid-50s.  Leveling a character from level 24 just makes me role my eyes.

In many ways, I’m a little burnt out with Warcraft.  With the Heroic raid complete and the achievements done there doesn’t seem much to do other than level the alts, and I’ve been doing that since December.  For now, I’m happy to do the weekly quests on Wednesday and leave it at that.

But I suppose the real reason I feel like I didn’t make progress was because I never got any writing done during the day.  I think the novel is entering the first act to second act transition and with it always comes that feeling of needing to battle through.  Words feel like treacle, I fall out of love with the novel for a time.

This novel has a lot of POVs, and in this big scene (it was going to be ca chapter but now I wonder if it’s too big and might need to be split across several) I jump between a number of characters.  I’m inspired in part by the end of the Phantom Menace.  There Lucas follows three storylines (the jedis, the gungans and Anakin) and brings them all to a point where hope seems lost.  Then Anakin destroys the control ship and the battle droids deactivate.  I like the concept of concertinaing the story to a point where hope is lost and then having one small event cascade out to result in success.  I don’t think I’ve quite managed to do that here and as a result, I’m starting to feel that this chapter will never end.

I’m hoping that with the focus on health this week, as long as I do a bit of writing most days I can tick the story along without dwelling on it too much (or at least dwelling on story rather than how it’s going).  The danger is that making it a priority 2 coupled with the act transition, there’s a risk I’ll fall off the wagon.

I desperately want to get the first draft of this novel done but I also need to ensure other tasks get worked on as well.  Today was an odd day given how long Torghast took, and I knew I needed to do those other tasks, so I’m not too mad with myself.  But I still would like to get my writing pace up so I’m writing multiple thousand words a day.

This is all a case of balancing things, trying to get the most things done without allowing any of them to drop by the wayside.  It’s a tricky thing to get right but given that I got a few outstanding tasks done, if I can just get the writing sessions up a bit, I’ll be happy

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Past Years: 2020 – The Year of Being Fearsome | 2019 – The Year of Soldiering Through | 2018 – The Year of Priorities | 2017 – The Year Of The Offensive