Friday 8th May 2021

The plan for today was a big Warcraft day.  I’d planned to continue work on the Twisting Corridors in Torghast, and had rearranged my day to do it.

That didn’t mean I forgot about the detailed outline.  I spent a long time on the last section which, due to how it calls on a lot of previous content, was involved and detailed.  I believe I got it all done and now I have just a few sections to flesh out and I’m done.

So I didn’t feel too guilty about prioritising Torghast today.  I was up to layer 6 and I have to be honest and say that having done all those rescue souls quests on all my alts on Wednesday, I was really starting to notice the lack of a mount in The Maw.

I actually really enjoy Torghast.  The problem is that it’s a lot of time, and there’s no way to save.  Also, and spoiler alert, if you failed layer 8 like we did, then it’s a lot of work for nothing.

So whilst I was pleased to get Layer 7 done, and the time had been allocated rather than robbing from other work, it was super-frustrating.  I was getting to that stage where I felt other people were letting the side down.  I’m sure others felt that about me.

This was a bit unusual as our Sunday night progression raiding team got a little heated this past week.  I look at progress as a non-linear thing.  You do a thing, you seem to get better, then you are worse than ever for a while, then you are average, although an average better than it had been before, and then you make further progress.  And so the cycle goes on.

Therefore, the fact that on the last boss of Castle Nathria we’re making it to phase 3 only to then wipe on phase 1 a couple of times does not surprise me.  It frustrates some people who think other people aren’t pulling their weight, and yet that’s not strictly true.

And so it wasn’t true today when we all wiped on layer 15 or 16 after losing all our lives and were trying to blast our way through before the Terragrue killed us all.

Torghast can be a lot of fun, but it wasn’t when we died after all that work.

At this rate I won’t get my Maw mount before 9.1 hits.  Although given they seem to be rushing out The Burning Crusade classic, I think that perhaps 9.1 isn’t going to be hear until late July or August.

Still, as I kept telling myself, I’d not spent the best part of my day doing Torghast to the detriment of the detailed outline.  I want to get that done this weekend, so I can move onto other things.  I really like the idea of shutting out the world and writing The Accursed for fun.

Of course, that will come with allocated Warcraft breaks, although I hope those breaks aren’t trying to find time to do more Twisting Corridors by then.

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Past Years: 2020 – The Year of Being Fearsome | 2019 – The Year of Soldiering Through | 2018 – The Year of Priorities | 2017 – The Year Of The Offensive