Wednesday 7th April 2021

Today was a bit of a Warcraft Wednesday.  Don’t worry, I still got words done on The Accursed.

With ten characters at level 60, I’m over half way done on my aim to get all my alts leveled.  Even better, the rest are all in various states of progression from 55 down to 50.

I’ve started to make a point of running my leveled alts through the weekly boss.  It’s easy if you do it on a Wednesday when it’s new.  There’s a chance of 213 gear and my alts all get a renown for killing him, so it’s a silent way to level and gear them.  I did it on all 10 level 60s today, only got 1 piece of loot,  but saw all of them go up in renown.  Behind the scenes there was also a bit of work to make sure I had chosen a covenant for all of them (some had just dinged 60 and I’d immediately logged them off).  That meant a bit of covenant shuffling to ensure that (for example) both my horde demon hunters weren’t in the same covenant.

Got it sorted although some need to do a bit of questing before I can unlock the weekly quests.

I also did a bit of leveling on a number of characters.  I’ve done the Shadowlands story quests enough now that in my head, I see them as blocks of quests.  I know I can do x through y and then log off at an inn.  I know that one stage of quests will take me a bit of time as I will be away from flight points and inns for some time.  What I tried to do today was do blocks of quests on various characters.  It edges them forwards.

I have one main character I’m now currently trying to level but it felt really slow going last night.  Whereas I’ve gone through 5 levels in similar time, this one only did 2.  I’m not sure why, as this is one of my easier characters to play.

But progress is progress and whilst I’ve had a sudden surge of motivation to get them all done.  Making any progress whatsoever will help me.

I recently downloaded an add-on called All The Things and I’m obsessed.  I’m only at around 27-28% but it lists all the transmog, mounts, toys and achievements you can get in game.  It’s motivated me to get all my characters leveled and then get all their professions done.  And not just Shadowlands Professions.  I want to start doing transmog and recipe runs.  At the moment I’m just really focusing on Black Rock Foundry and getting a few characters the Mythic attunement so you can skip to the last boss.  I really want that mount.  With 9.1 delayed until July or August it gives me plenty of time to get my characters leveled and into transmogs and old rare recipes.

I can think of 101 things I want to do, which makes Warcraft a major draw once again after a few quieter weeks.

With a lot of writing upcoming, if I can split this down into nice blocks of alternating gameplay and writing, this could mske me superproductive.

Past Issues: 774 | 773 | 772 | 771 | 770 | 769 | 768 | 767 | 766 | 765 | 764 | 763 | 762 | 761
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680 | 679 | 678
Past Years: 2020 – The Year of Being Fearsome | 2019 – The Year of Soldiering Through | 2018 – The Year of Priorities | 2017 – The Year Of The Offensive