Saturday 30th May 2020

I spent half the day working on something today.

I can’t really say more as it’s a complicated plan with a load of moving parts and a lot of uncertainty.  Yes, I’m vagueblogging!

However, it comes after several weeks of careful thinking on what my forward plan should be.

What I like is the fact that I have a plan.  This plan might end in success or it might completely unravel.  And yes, whilst I will be unhappy if it does unravel, the fact that I have a plan makes me feel some level of control.

I can’t control the outcome but the fact that things are moving and I’m in control of that movement to some degree has cheered me up a lot today.

So I spent a lot of time getting a few things together to send to a friend, which is the most time I’ve spent on this thing over the last couple of weeks.

But now I have to wait a week… and I hate waiting.  But it’s only a week, as I keep telling myself – probably the longest week I’ve had in ages.

With lots of other things going on, I doubt I’ll get bored, but there’s part of me that wishes it was next week already.

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Past Years: 2019 – The Year of Soldiering Through | 2018 – The Year of Priorities | 2017 – The Year Of The Offensive