I had just two hours to create all the characters for The First Draft!  Whilst I normally take weeks and months thinking about interesting protagonists, I had to use a few hacks to get everything done.  First I used a character template to start gathering some insight into their personality, and then cast actors in the role of the characters to save me time working out what they looked like.

Of course, one of the fun things about writing is that you can do loads of great planning and then decide to change things on page 1 of your first draft.  That may happen here!  I wanted the names of my characters on the medieval world to seem quite normal to try and ground my world at the beginning.  But they seem a little too normal and I may go into something a bit more “fantasy” sounding.  Also, as I explained, I want my characters to have names that start with different letters to aid the reader…. and David and Drummond both begin with D.

I’ll be adding a proper hub including character bios as things go along but scroll below for a video of the Livestream, and the character notes.  We start writing chapter 1 today at 3pm  (UK Time) over on Twitch.

Pre-Season: Plot | Worldbuilding | Characters



Protagonists (4 or 5).   

Person From Advanced Civilisation 


Big Bad 

Big Bad ‘Queen’ 


Name:  Gina 

Nickname / Aliases: 

Positive Attributes:  Bubbly, Quirky, Body positive.  Self-Aware. 

Negative Attributes:  Always hungry.  Comfort eats.  Shallow. 

Age: Mid 20s 

Description / Actor:  Jenny Ryan (Chase) 

Dreams:  Joining a travelling circus as a bard. 

Most Important Thing: 

Reaction To Defeat:  Can’t handle defeat.  Needs comforting 


USP:  Plus-sized character 

Magic:  Yes, Mutant Magic 

Why thrown out of serfdom:  Stole for Jaxxon 


Name:  Drummond 

Nickname / Aliases: 

Positive Attributes: Determined 

Negative Attributes:  No sense of humor 

Age: late 30s 

Description / Actor:  John Bernthal 

Dreams:  Prove themselves as a warrior 

Most Important Thing:  Their word 

Reaction To Defeat:  Tactical 

Secret?:  Used to be a soldier 

USP:  Swordsman,  Warrior 

Magic:  Yes, Mutant magic. 

Why thrown out of serfdom:  Choice.  Refuses to serve anyone 


Name:  Jackson / Jaxxon 

Nickname / Aliases:  Jacks 

Positive Attributes:  Always upbeat,  Optimist 

Negative Attributes:  pulls pranks.  talks a lot.  Annoying.  

Age: 19 

Description / Actor:  Thomas Brodie-Sangster 

Dreams:  Wants to be a jester 

Most Important Thing:  Making people happy. 

Reaction To Defeat: 


USP:  Joker 


Why thrown out of serfdom:  Prank went wrong 


Name:  David 

Nickname / Aliases: 

Positive Attributes:  Hard worker.  Noble.  Believes doing the right thing. 

Negative Attributes:  Hot temper.  Gets frustrated 

Age:  30s 

Description / Actor:  Netflix Luke Cage.  Lost hand in farming incident 


Most Important Thing: 

Reaction To Defeat:  Stands tall. 


USP:  Disabled. 

Magic:  Yes.  Mutant magic 

Why thrown out of serfdom:  Couldn’t get work as disabled. 


Name:  Mary 

Nickname / Aliases: 

Positive Attributes: Tough.  Quirky Sense of humour.  Leader of the minorities. 

Negative Attributes:  She hates authority.  Distrusts people. 

Age: 24 

Description / Actor:  Zendaya 

Dreams: For minorities to be properly represented.  Her father accept her. 

Most Important Thing: Item from her mother. 

Reaction To Defeat:  Takes a moment before she can get herself back up. 

Secret?: She is the illegitimate daughter of Lord Quentin 

USP:  Natural Leader 

Magic:  Yes.  Mutant magic 

Why thrown out of serfdom:  Illegitimate Child 


Name:  Ugaliax 

Nickname / Aliases:  Professor Brennen 

Positive Attributes:  Kind, intelligent, Thinks of best people 

Negative Attributes:  Willing for sacrifice for his causes, ignorant of people’s negative behaviour.  Thinks of best people.  Bit mercenary in his approach.  The ends justify the means. 

Age: 45 

Description / Actor:  Jared Harris 

Dreams:  Re-establish the old civilisation through finding artefacts 

Most Important Thing:  Is not opening wormholes / rifts 

Reaction To Defeat:  Sink.  Do what’s necessary 

Secret?:  He’s from the advanced civilisation 

USP:  They create the First Draft 

Magic:  No 


Name: Lord Quentin 

Nickname / Aliases: Lord Quentin 

Positive Attributes: As lords go, pretty good.  fair their serfs.  Plenty of food 

Negative Attributes:  Motivated by wealth, aloof.  Bored 

Age:  50s 

Description / Actor:  John Malkovich 

Dreams:  Big Duchy 

Most Important Thing:  Influence (which comes from money & Power) 

Reaction To Defeat:  Inaction 

Secret?:  Has illegitimate child 

USP:  They represent person in charge in medieval world 

Magic:  No 


Name: Kal’assia 

Nickname / Aliases:  The Drove…. the clack 

Positive Attributes:  Effective,  Large Numbers 

Negative Attributes:  Mindless,  Need to be instructed 

Age:  — 

Description / Actor:  Crab meets insect.  multiple legs.  No head.  Pincers 

Dreams:  No 

Most Important Thing: Consume 

Reaction To Defeat: Sacrifice is worthy 

Secret?:  No 

USP:  look. 

Magic: No 


Name:  Jai’assia 

Nickname / Aliases: The spiders 

Positive Attributes:  Intelligent,  Cunning,  Know how to manipulate people 

Negative Attributes: 


Description / Actor:    Spider body, human torso,  Demonic Head (horns, fanned skull) 

Diablo, Legend, Alien Queen.  Humunoid 

Dreams:  A world without need, a new intelligent drove 

Most Important Thing:  Is gather resources 

Reaction To Defeat: Surprised.  Redouble their efforts. 


USP:  Don’t have traditional needs 
