September. How the hell did it get to be September already?
With the advent of fall comes the knowledge that the year is running out. We’re now two thirds of the way through and I reckon I’m about half a book behind my schedule of four books this year.
Which is not bad, but gives me the worry that I might get to the end of this year and have just one finished book to show for it.
So like a lot of writers it seems, September is knuckle down and write month. If I can get this Thieving King draft done by end of September (and I’ve got a feeling that this is going to be a BIG book), Thunder of Crows could be my NaNo novel and then Refugee could be edited in October… or something.
Gah! I’ve gone from quietly confident to quietly panicking. Who stole the summer?
To help me I’ve declared a public word war on the incredibly talented CE Murphy. Like me, she is behind schedule and looking to have a busy September. We’re keeping it simple, most words over the month wins, although it’s less about ‘winning’ and more about ‘getting stuff done’. Feel free to join in at #SeptemberWordWar
Managed to get over 3000 words of Maureen fighting Vargs (i.e. Wargs / Worgs) done as a warm up yesterday so whilst I don’t expect to win it’s given me the impetus to start cranking up the productivity. I’m especially pleased as swapping between the 1st person present POV of Black as Knight and the 3rd person limited past of Thieving King has proved difficult before now.
Anyone would think that Thieving King has a potential release date!
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