Monday 5th July 2021

I’m not sure I’m burnt out on Warcraft, but my computer certainly is.  Today the earpad on my headphones fell off, and my mouse randomly stops working.

I have just one character left to get through the Archivist’s Codex opener now.  That will make all characters current and then it will simply be a case of gearing them up over the duration of the patch.

I did do other things today, though.

Today marked my half way point through the year.  It was a chance for me to take stock and evaluate going forwards.

It should come as no surprise that I want to do a LOT of writing going forwards.  I have the current novel whose first draft I want to finish after my Warcraft mini-break ends.  I also have an interactive project I’m working away at.  I have the next unrelated novel percolating in my head.  I want to write a screenplay every quarter, if only to practise my skill.  And I want to start my web serial.  I have all the ideas for that, but I just need to do it.

Is this viable?  I dunno.  But I’d rather have too much and fall short than look back and wish I’d done more.

Video seems to play a big part going forwards.  I’ve said that for a while now, and one of the things I’m recognising in myself is that I need to execute faster.  I have a habit of wanting to sit on things and see how things play out before I jump in.  I need to be more willing to jump into projects and be content if they fail.  I mean, the web serial idea dates back to March.

So I’m going to try and push myself within reason.  I’m not going to beat myself up for having a Wowcation every patch as they are every 4-6 months, but I’m going to try and mix things up so I’m not writing all the things, all the time.

The plan for this month is to get The Accursed done, and get some videos up.  Less worrying and more doing.  Then I can look at the screenplay in August before starting a new first draft sometime in September / October.

I keep stats on my writing and to some degree, my editing.  At the moment they’re not all in Notion, but once they are, I should be able to see where my words are going and how to improve.  That might be a 2022 thing though.

The plan for this week is to get the video intros done, and maybe capture some footage for some videos, as well as getting back on The Accursed from Thursday.  I’ve been busy on Warcraft, but to be honest, I’ve gone out and smashed the things I need to do the first week.  Now instead of having to do all the characters, I can just focus on my mains and the alts as and when.

It could be a very busy couple of months ahead.  It’s time to execute.

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Past Years: 2020 – The Year of Being Fearsome | 2019 – The Year of Soldiering Through | 2018 – The Year of Priorities | 2017 – The Year Of The Offensive