Thursday 2nd July 2020

So I have an outline.

There’s a part of me that feels I must have somehow cheated, that I’ve cut some corner and not put the work in.  I worry that Ill start writing and find how little I prepared and then have a hellish writing experience.

But,  I’ve documented what I done, from creating a discussion document to creating a brand new document comprised of parts from different drafts.  I’ve added in extra index cards to note character progression, and today I added my notes.

Scrivener has the ability to add notes to a scene.  It’s found under the inspector.  When I’m writing something new this is where I might put a chapter outline before I start writing.  But when I edit or rewrite,  this is where I put notes.

These are to myself.  They don’t have to make sense to anyone else.  However, I have to realise that I may be coming back to these notes weeks down the line when my head is full of story and the thoughts I had when creating the discussion document are distant memories.

In practical terms, I’ve copied and pasted bits of my discussion document into the notes for these.  These are specific things.  I used to keep character arc notes in them but I need a bigger view which is why I’ve now swapped to index cards for those.

Instead, the notes I now keep are more along the lines of changing a bit of backstory on a character, or showcasing a skill when I introduce a character.  They are things that belong to that chapter and nowhere else.

There weren’t too many of these notes so my outline is pretty much done.

I have a scene I’m adding in that was removed from one of the two drafts that make up this outline and I want to make sure it fits in.  This subplot was removed from the latter of the two drafts, so putting it back in, causes me a little concern, but my general feeling is that it’ll go better than I expect.

So there we go:  it’s ready to write.

I’m probably going to leave it a day or so and then begin at the weekend.  I can then put some time in and get a good way in from the start.

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Past Years: 2019 – The Year of Soldiering Through | 2018 – The Year of Priorities | 2017 – The Year Of The Offensive