Monday 25th December 2017

I spent the day with my family today.  After a last minute hectic xmas rush, Christmas is finally upon us.
It wasn’t the busiest of Xmas’ this year.  Everyone in my immediate family has got to the stage in life where if they really want something for xmas they can afford to buy it for themselves.  This means that most of my family ask for money towards items they are saving for.
I’d asked for money to help pay for my TV and so that’s mostly what I got.  I did get a few books and assorted items as well.  That suited me just fine.  There was nothing I was secretly hoping for or really wanted.
I bought my father a 3D Printer I backed on kickstarter but it’s yet to arrive.  That’s a bit annoying but that’s kickstarter for you.  On the plus side it meant that it had long been paid for before it got to the xmas crunch.  It’s now due in February and he still has it to look forward to.  However, my intention was it would be a device for him to use when it was too cold to get over his workshop, but by the time he gets it, it’ll have warmed up enough for him to get back to his woodturning.
For my brother, I bought him the Massive Darkness boardgame kickstarter.  Unlike the 3D Printer, this turned up last summer and I’ve been sitting on it ever since.  Of course, because it was a kickstarter pledge, he got a ton of extra stuff.  Not only did he get the base game but the exclusives and a couple of creature packs as well.  It looked pretty impressive when gathered together.  We’ll be playing the game on Thursday when I have friends down for my annual games day so I hope he at least reads the rules, as I’m bound to run out of time before then.
My mother was a bit like me, only wanting money.  I usually get her garden vouchers but she’s had a recent resurgence of interest in craft, so I ended up giving her cash.  It’s a bit boring by way of a gift, but she can then spend it on gardening or craft as she sees fit, so she actually prefers it.  I just hate how unimaginative it seems.
We had my aunt and uncle come for dinner which was fun, especially when mum  nearly accidentally threw the cream over my aunt.  My family is always a little crazy at the best of times.
Despite Dad’s medication coupled with the rich food making him slightly unwell (and the cream incident) there was no drama which was good.  Xmas can be stressful but this year we were devoid of any family arguments.
So all in all, a fairly quiet Christmas but still a good one.
If you want to follow more of my journey, then be sure to check me on my social channels.  Likewise, if you’d like me to expand on any point mentioned above, please say so in the comments.

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